Liquid Plumber Aluminium

Clogged drains are always unsightly. Once it gets out of hand, clients should call our company for help that we will gladly send a professional to help address the issue. Most of the times the clogs are formed by natural substances such as hair, fats and oils just to name a few and prove to be quite hard to get rid of them manually. You don’t have to struggle and take a lot of your time to clear the stubborn clog manually and yet we are here to lend you a helping hand to sort that disturbing issue.

Liquid plumber aluminium

Liquid Plumber and Aluminium

Our plumber first tries to unclog manually. Then when the liquid plumber and aluminium foil are reacted together, it leads to the release of hydrogen gas. The release of hydrogen gas is generally an exothermic reaction (produces heat). The extra heat that is released aids in breaking down the grease, oils or all the components that form the clog and the system become unclogged such as drains. Our professionals are trained on this to ensure that when they perform this, it is highly safe and good results will be achieved at the end of it and everything will go back to normal satisfying the client’s needs.


The company’s repair team is the one that is always sent when there is a clogging issue raised by a client. The prices charged on unclogging the system by this method is at a fair price. We charge for unclogging manually then for the process but the liquid plumber and the aluminium are free of charge therefore not included in the charges imposed on the client. This method is rarely used but when an issue calls for this method, then it is carried out safely and correctly.

Call: 06-28791793